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Sleep Tests for Sleep Disorders

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Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that leaves the victim with pauses in breathing while they sleep. It also gives you poor breathing when you are asleep. Apnea is the pauses. You may experience it about thirty times every hour you are asleep. The apneas can last anywhere between ten seconds to a few minutes.

Sleep apnea is categorized as central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, and mixed apnea (a combination of the other two). Of all these, obstructive sleep apnea is the most common. Central apnea occurs when a patient does not have enough respiratory effort. Obstructive apnea happens when a patient has their soft tissue in the upper part of the airway collapsing, thus preventing air from passing through. Their respiratory effort is plenty, but the obstruction is the issue. A common indicator is snoring while you sleep. It is commonly diagnosed in the obese, the senior citizens, as well as those who smoke.

It is hard for you to know you have a sleeping disorder. You cannot tell you have breathing issues when you are asleep yourself. Your partner is likely to notice your struggles better than you. The only way you would know there is a problem is when you wake up. You may feel tired even after spending the recommended eight hours in bed. You will also notice you are not as alert as you are supposed to be, your vision is not at its best, and you are restless when you go to bed.

This sleeping disorder affects both children and adults. The best way to diagnose this condition is to undergo a sleep test. This test is also called a sleep study. The private sleep study test shall look at the different regions of the brain that could be affected by this condition. Such a condition would affect the brain in the region responsible for memory, the one that deals with attention and processing info, as well as that involved in planning and implementation of tasks.

You will be required to wear a sleep monitoring kit, which shall record some important vitals as well as other information for the diagnosis. This sleep apnea test at home is recommended because you will not have to leave the comfort of your home to have it done. You will only wear monitors and proceed to sleep as you usually do. The fact that you sleep at home means that you will produce accurate and thus applicable results. The doctors will then collect the data gathered and proceed to study it. You shall then receive a complete report indicating the presence of any sleep disorder, and what you need to do next.

This shall be the best way of treating something you would otherwise have no idea you suffered from, yet it was affecting your health, well-being, and relationships. See this video at for more insights about health.